The tale of a young man winning the hand of a mathematician’s daughter, despite getting momentarily tricked out of his love by the professor.
Stories for 'Other Dimensions'
Sorted by date of original publication
A mathematical physicist finds out that our Time has gaps in it… and gets lost in one of them…
The ruminations of a mathematician about the nature of space, of an unseen reality governed by – and accessible through – mathematical laws, ultimately leading to his demise – or an ascension to this ethereal realm…
A humdrum story about a mathematics professor getting lost in the fourth dimension…
A man who seems to slip into and out of the fourth dimension in response to certain stimuli…
A silly take on extending the stereoscopic vision created by two eyes to view the fourth dimension using 3 eyes…
An “it was all a dream” tale about higher dimensions.
A strange tale of a professor of mathematics finding a way into another dimension through an antique mirror…
A mathematician delving into the mysteries of higher dimensional mathematics inexplicably obtains a portal into the fourth dimension in his study, which a thief accesses to no good end.
A silly recounting of a misadventure of a mathematics professor in the fourth dimension.
A message-in-a-bottle, showcasing the trans-dimensional adventure of a professor of mathematics.
A mathematical physicist builds a 4-dimensional stereoscope and finds out the ultimate fate of our world…
A higher-dimensional yarn executed with greater amount of explanation than normally found in pulp stories.
A very visual, pulpy story about accessing the higher dimension for a hackneyed adventure…
An intricately crafted story about a mathematician’s murder-without-malice, to stop mathematics from destroying our reality – or so another professor of mathematics thought…
A war between some people from earth carried off into space on a flat meteor, and flatland…
A brilliant professor finds himself in a predicament in the fourth dimension and ends up tangling with his star student, who wins over his daughter after a few hilarious events.
Another sad example of a higher-dimensional story.
A story about a physicist who discovers a new world in the fourth dimension...
Higher Dimension used to exact justices, with some rueful and comedic consequences…
A deliciously over-the-top story which throws in many garbled ideas of physics to sculpt an interplanetary tale of a few heroes and a Martian mega villain…
A tongue-in-cheek story making repeated fun of the common, misleading tagline which appeared in many sci fi magazines of the day - Every Story Scientifically Accurate.
A funny tall-tale about shooting bullets and golf balls through holes in space, shots heard around the universe…
A wrongly-imprisoned man on death-row receives a voice from a higher dimension… and presented with a mortal dilemma…
A fourth dimensional adventure using loops of time…
A kind-of magic realism merging with a higher-dimension side of pulp stories to create an amusing tale.
A moving story - in the characteristic Bradbury-style - of the love of parents transcending dimensional oddities…
A very convoluted story about mirror-image flips through higher dimensions accessed through portable and user-friendly wormholes…
Surely the fourth dimension has more uses that sticking in a straw to steal juice from closed cans, no?
A trans-dimensional love story with a poignant back-story and an appropriate ending.
Are four-dimensional beings responsible for all the strange occurrences like “frog rain” reported by Charles Fort and other chroniclers of the mysterious? Would the four-dimensional beings have the same emotions and desires as humans? A limited-range story speaking to these in pulp-format…
A prisoner without his memory rediscovers his equations of higher dimensions while locked inside a strange room in space…
A funny short story about a higher-dimensional object accidentally opening up in our 3D world.
A cautionary tale for all those who have not focused on polishing their mathematics skills. Someday, you may not be able to save a friend for lack of a suitable algebraic equation…
A charming, if extremely pulpish, story about one of those mathematical physicists who miraculously find a way of implementing their wildest of ideas… and how bipeds and the English language are obviously present in the deepest recesses of reality…
Mr. Fortescue had real problems. He was losing everything that walked into his brand new House of Fun, Magic and Mystery. Which naturally called for some very fancy dimensional analysis...
A topologist shows how to trap living things, including unwanted lovers, inside a tessaract. -
Accessing the higher dimension for contraception, with some terrible results in an avoidable story.
A Dr. Who story involving Pythagoras and an inter-dimensional gateway.